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Télécom Paris & Institut Polytechnique de Paris


电话:+86 183 0067 6544


Spring 2024 - Present 华为技术有限公司 | 高级工程师


Spring 2020 - Fall 2020 巴黎高等电信工程师学院 & 巴黎理工学院 | 研究实习



Fall 2020 - Winter 2023 巴黎高等电信工程师学院 & 巴黎理工学院 | 博士学位

博士导师 : Frédéric Grillot

答辩委员会 : Jesper Mork, Marc Vallet, Gian Luca Lippi, Gaelle Lucas-Leclin, Mariangela Giovanni

Noise, Dynamics and Squeezed Light in Quantum Dot and Interband Cascade Lasers Published by Springer Nature.

Fall 2019 - Fall 2020 巴黎理工学院 & 萨克雷大学 | 硕士学位


Fall 2017 - Spring 2019 | 南巴黎高等电信工程师学院, 法国巴黎 | 法国工程师文凭


Fall 2014 - Spring 2017 | 西安电子科技大学, 中国西安 | 学士学位



  • 半导体激光器
  • 非线性光学
  • 高速光通信系统
  • 光电集成电路
  • 量子压缩态光
  • 分岔和混沌理论


注:* 代表共同作者


Shiyuan Zhao*, S. Ding*, H. Huang, I. Zaquine, N. Fabre, N. Belabas,and F. Grillot. "Broadband amplitude squeezing at room temperature in electrically driven quantum dot lasers." Physical Review Research, (2024).

O. Spitz, Y. B. Shuai; Shiyuan Zhao, P. Didier, D. A. Díaz-Thomas; A. N. Baranov, L. Cerutti, D. Rontani; J. Wu, F. Grillot. "Generation of broadband optical chaos at mid-infrared wavelength with an interband cascade laser." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, (2024).

S. Ding*, Shiyuan Zhao*, H. Huang, and F. Grillot. "Observation of amplitude squeezing in a constant-current-driven distributed feedback quantum dot laser with optical feedback." APL Quantum (Editor's picks), (2024).


S. Ding*, Shiyuan Zhao*, H. Huang, and F. Grillot. "Impact of external carrier noise on the linewidth enhancement factor of a quantum dot distributed feedback laser." Optics Express 31.21 (2023): 35343-35353.

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot. "Quantum Photonics in Interband Cascade Lasers." Oral presentation, in Sicily, Italy. International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), September 2023.

Shiyuan Zhao, S. Ding, H. Huang, I. Zaquine, N. Belabas and F. Grillot. "Generation of non-classical light using semiconductor quantum dot lasers." Oral presentation, in Sicily, Italy. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), July 2023.

Z. Jin, H. Huang, Y. Zhou, Shiyuan Zhao, S. Ding, C. Wang, Y. Yao, X. Xu, F. Grillot, and J. Duan. "Reflection sensitivity of dual-state quantum dot lasers." Photonics Research 11.10 (2023): 1713-1722.

Q. Chu, Shiyuan Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Sun, Y. Yao, X. Xu, F. Grillot, and J. Duan. "Relative intensity noise of injection-locked epitaxial quantum dot laser on silicon." Optics Express 31.15 (2023): 25177-25190.

F. Grillot, O. Spitz, Shiyuan Zhao, P. Didier. "Dynamic and nonlinear properties of mid-infrared interband quantum cascade lasers." Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XIX. Vol. 12430. SPIE Photonics West, March 2023.


Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot. "Stochastic model of sub-Poissonian quantum light in interband cascade laser." Physical Review Applied 18.6 (2022): 064027.

Z. Jin, Shiyuan Zhao, H. Huang, F. Grillot, and J. Duan. "Optical feedback dynamics in dual-state quantum dot lasers." Oral presentation, in Shenzhen, China. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) & International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications (IPOC), November 2022.

Q. Chu, Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot, J. Wang, F. He, M. Zhang, X. Xu, Y. Yao, and J. Duan. "Relative intensity noise of injection-locked epitaxial quantum dot laser on silicon." Oral presentation (Top-10 Preview), in Turin, Italy. International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), September 2022.

O. Spitz, Shiyuan Zhao, P. Didier, D. A. Díaz-Thomas, L. Cerutti, A. N. Baranov, H. Knötig, R. Weih, J. Köth, B. Schwarz, and F. Grillot. "Interband cascade technology for next-generation mid-IR communication and quantum applications." Oral presentation, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), July 2022.

B. Dong, Shiyuan Zhao, J. Duan, H. Huang, J. C. Norman, J. E. Bowers, and F. Grillot. "Quantum Dots for Photonic Integrated Circuits: From Isolation-Free to Amplitude Noise Squeezing." Oral presentation, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), July 2022.

O. Spitz, Shiyuan Zhao, D. A. Díaz-Thomas, L., A. N. Baranov, D. Rontani, and F. Grillot. "Characterization of Optical Chaos in Mid-Infrared Interband Cascade Lasers: Towards High-Speed Free-Space Applications." Oral presentation, in Maastricht, Netherlands. Optica Advanced Photonics Congress, July 2022.

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot. "Modeling of Amplitude Squeezing in a Pump-Noise-Suppressed Interband Cascade Laser." IEEE Photonics Journal 14.3 (2022): 1-8.

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot. "Stochastic model of intensity squeezing in interband cascade laser." Oral presentation, in Cardiff, UK. Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics Conference (SIOE), April 2022.

Y. Deng, Z. Fan, B. Zhao, X. Wang, Shiyuan Zhao, J. Wu, F. Grillot and C. Wang. "Mid-infrared hyperchaos of interband cascade lasers." Light: Science & Applications 11.1 (2022): 1-10.


Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot "Intensity noisy squeezing in interband cascade laser." Oral presentation, Virtual Event. International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics (IS-PALD),November 2021.

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot "Effect of Shockley-Read-Hall recombination on the static and dynamical characteristics of epitaxial quantum-dot lasers on silicon." Physical Review A 103.6 (2021): 063521.

F. Grillot, J. Duan, Shiyuan Zhao, B. Dong, H. Huang, J. C. Norman, J. E. Bowers "Intensity noise and modulation dynamic of epitaxial quantum dot semiconductor lasers on silicon." Silicon Photonics XVI. Vol. 11691. SPIE Photonics West, March 2021.

Shiyuan Zhao, J. Duan, B. Dong, F. Grillot. "Effects of Shockley-Read-Hall recombination on the reflection sensitivity of quantum dot lasers directly grown on silicon." Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXIX. Vol. 11680. SPIE Photonics West, March 2021.

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self picture

Shiyuan ZHAO

Chinese address:

Building 3, Area F, Huawei Shenzhen Base

Bantian Longgang District Shenzhen 518129 China

French address:

Télécom Paris & Institut Polytechnique de Paris

19 place Marguerite Perey 91120 Palaiseau France

+86 183 0067 6544

Work Experience

Spring 2024 - Present Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.| Senior Engineer

2012 Laboratories/B&P lab

Spring 2020 - Fall 2020 Télécom Paris & Institut Polytechnique de Paris | Research Intern

Investigation of quantum dot lasers on silicon

Education Experience

Fall 2020 - Winter 2023 Télécom Paris & Institut Polytechnique de Paris | Phd's Degree

Supervisor : Frédéric Grillot

Thesis Defense Committee : Jesper Mork, Marc Vallet, Gian Luca Lippi, Gaelle Lucas-Leclin, Mariangela Giovanni

Noise, Dynamics and Squeezed Light in Quantum Dot and Interband Cascade Lasers Published by Springer Nature.

Fall 2019 - Spring 2020 Institut Polytechnique de Paris & Université Paris-Saclay | Master's Degree

Optical Networks and Photonics Systems

Fall 2017 - Spring 2019 | Télécom SudParis, Paris France | Diplôme d'Ingénieur

Electrical engineering

Fall 2014 - Spring 2017 | Xidian University, Xi'an China | Bachelor's Degree

Electronic Science and Technology

Research Interests

  • Semiconductor laser
  • Nonlinear photonics
  • High-speed optical communication systems
  • Photonics integrated circuits
  • Squeezing light
  • Bifurcation and Chaos theory


PS: * means co-author

Year 2024

Shiyuan Zhao*, S. Ding*, H. Huang, I. Zaquine, N. Fabre, N. Belabas,and F. Grillot. "Broadband amplitude squeezing at room temperature in electrically driven quantum dot lasers." Physical Review Research, (2024).

O. Spitz, Y. B. Shuai; Shiyuan Zhao, P. Didier, D. A. Díaz-Thomas; A. N. Baranov, L. Cerutti, D. Rontani; J. Wu, F. Grillot. "Generation of broadband optical chaos at mid-infrared wavelength with an interband cascade laser." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, (2024).

S. Ding*, Shiyuan Zhao*, H. Huang, and F. Grillot. "Observation of amplitude squeezing in a constant-current-driven distributed feedback quantum dot laser with optical feedback." APL Quantum (Editor's picks), (2024).

Year 2023

S. Ding*, Shiyuan Zhao*, H. Huang, and F. Grillot. "Impact of external carrier noise on the linewidth enhancement factor of a quantum dot distributed feedback laser." Optics Express 31.21 (2023): 35343-35353.

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot. "Quantum Photonics in Interband Cascade Lasers." Oral presentation, in Sicily, Italy. International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), September 2023.

Shiyuan Zhao, S. Ding, H. Huang, I. Zaquine, N. Belabas and F. Grillot. "Generation of non-classical light using semiconductor quantum dot lasers." Oral presentation, in Sicily, Italy. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), July 2023.

Z. Jin, H. Huang, Y. Zhou, Shiyuan Zhao, S. Ding, C. Wang, Y. Yao, X. Xu, F. Grillot, and J. Duan. "Reflection sensitivity of dual-state quantum dot lasers." Photonics Research 11.10 (2023): 1713-1722.

Q. Chu, Shiyuan Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Sun, Y. Yao, X. Xu, F. Grillot, and J. Duan. "Relative intensity noise of injection-locked epitaxial quantum dot laser on silicon." Optics Express 31.15 (2023): 25177-25190.

F. Grillot, O. Spitz, Shiyuan Zhao, P. Didier. "Dynamic and nonlinear properties of mid-infrared interband quantum cascade lasers." Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XIX. Vol. 12430. SPIE Photonics West, March 2023.

Year 2022

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot. "Stochastic model of sub-Poissonian quantum light in interband cascade laser." Physical Review Applied 18.6 (2022): 064027.

Z. Jin, Shiyuan Zhao, H. Huang, F. Grillot, and J. Duan. "Optical feedback dynamics in dual-state quantum dot lasers." Oral presentation, in Shenzhen, China. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) & International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications (IPOC), November 2022.

Q. Chu, Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot, J. Wang, F. He, M. Zhang, X. Xu, Y. Yao, and J. Duan. "Relative intensity noise of injection-locked epitaxial quantum dot laser on silicon." Oral presentation (Top-10 Preview), in Turin, Italy. International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), September 2022.

O. Spitz, Shiyuan Zhao, P. Didier, D. A. Díaz-Thomas, L. Cerutti, A. N. Baranov, H. Knötig, R. Weih, J. Köth, B. Schwarz, and F. Grillot. "Interband cascade technology for next-generation mid-IR communication and quantum applications." Oral presentation, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), July 2022.

B. Dong, Shiyuan Zhao, J. Duan, H. Huang, J. C. Norman, J. E. Bowers, and F. Grillot. "Quantum Dots for Photonic Integrated Circuits: From Isolation-Free to Amplitude Noise Squeezing." Oral presentation, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), July 2022.

O. Spitz, Shiyuan Zhao, D. A. Díaz-Thomas, L., A. N. Baranov, D. Rontani, and F. Grillot. "Characterization of Optical Chaos in Mid-Infrared Interband Cascade Lasers: Towards High-Speed Free-Space Applications." Oral presentation, in Maastricht, Netherlands. Optica Advanced Photonics Congress, July 2022.

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot. "Modeling of Amplitude Squeezing in a Pump-Noise-Suppressed Interband Cascade Laser." IEEE Photonics Journal 14.3 (2022): 1-8.

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot. "Stochastic model of intensity squeezing in interband cascade laser." Oral presentation, in Cardiff, UK. Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics Conference (SIOE), April 2022.

Y. Deng, Z. Fan, B. Zhao, X. Wang, Shiyuan Zhao, J. Wu, F. Grillot and C. Wang. "Mid-infrared hyperchaos of interband cascade lasers." Light: Science & Applications 11.1 (2022): 1-10.

Year 2021

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot "Intensity noisy squeezing in interband cascade laser." Oral presentation, Virtual Event. International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics (IS-PALD),November 2021.

Shiyuan Zhao, F. Grillot "Effect of Shockley-Read-Hall recombination on the static and dynamical characteristics of epitaxial quantum-dot lasers on silicon." Physical Review A 103.6 (2021): 063521.

F. Grillot, J. Duan, Shiyuan Zhao, B. Dong, H. Huang, J. C. Norman, J. E. Bowers "Intensity noise and modulation dynamic of epitaxial quantum dot semiconductor lasers on silicon." Silicon Photonics XVI. Vol. 11691. SPIE Photonics West, March 2021.

Shiyuan Zhao, J. Duan, B. Dong, F. Grillot. "Effects of Shockley-Read-Hall recombination on the reflection sensitivity of quantum dot lasers directly grown on silicon." Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXIX. Vol. 11680. SPIE Photonics West, March 2021.

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